The figure on the bridge is not tall. Her redish-blonde hair seems to hang from her skull as if it had tried desperately to get away, but, exhausted, had finally collapsed back onto her head and shoulders...

(Head and Shoulders... shampoo... that's funny...)

The girl seems to be grappling with some tiny, ferocious creature, tearing bits of its flesh away and dropping them from the bridge into the water below. Each of these fragments, which I suddenly realize are scraps of paper, flips and flutters as it parachutes from the bridge. Just before reaching the surface of the water, the pages catch one by one on the last desperate rays from the sinking sun and burst quickly into orange flame before perishing in the stream.

The girl finishes dismantling the book in her hands, tosses the binding into the water, and screams, eyes closed, mouth convulsing, a violent and howling threat towards the sky.

She hasn't seen me...

Before I can move, the girl crashes off the bridge and into the woods on the opposite side of the stream from where I'm standing. My fingers are numb... but not from the cold...

From this scene on, the story fractures into about six seperate directions.

1. She hasn't seen me...

2. numb... but not from the cold...

3. violent and howling

4. collapsed

5. into the woods

6. flips and flutters

Now I just need to figure out what to do with each of these...

Possible endings---

a. the narrator dies

b. the narrator finds the girl dead

c. the narrator finds the girl who has just killed someone

d. the narrator lives, but is disturbed for the rest of his life

That's it. No happy endings, no nice and neat tie ups, no wedding bells... I think the six lines should cross on occasion, but not frequently. I really want this to be, from the bridge scene on, six seperate storylines.

The question is, do I want people to read THIS little note, or not...???