Something about that scream... I've never felt terror before, but that scream...
I suddenly understand what it must be like to be a helpless animal, a gazelle or baby zebra, and come vibration to earlobe with the roar of a lion.
After a few moments I can no longer hear her tearing away through the bushes and I begin to breath again. I had thought that my life was pointless, dull, but at least I wasn't that woman. I couldn't even imagine what could cause a person to feel so much anger. That's my problem. I'm numb... and hearing another human being express such emotion, savage and hateful though it may be, just points, again, at my lack of feeling.
I want to be passionate. I want to love and hate and hurt... But that part of me is just not there. Or, it's so withered from non-use that I can't make it twitch anymore. My emotions have fallen off.
That's why I'm here, really. The last time I remember feeling anything was
here, camping, with my parents when I was just a wee-laddy... Of course what
I felt then was boredom... Boredom and disappointment... But at least that was
What have I got now? A callous on my thumb from the remote control to the TV set... And back ache pain from standing up at work all day long...
Numb... What a drag...